Tell the World to Wait

Photo by Samuel Austin on Unsplash

Do not take my heart from me,

It is all that I have left to give,

Allow my thoughts to rest and play,

For I am trying to be me again.

I have walked a thousand miles,

Through pain and sorrow, I have smiled,

But strength diminishes and dies,

When no one sees the sadness in your eyes.

Tell the world to wait for me,

For I am living someone else's dream,

Lost in between the wakeful tide,

Of fear and anxiety.

Give me space to find myself,

And reach the gates I know too well,

For it is my soul that cries,

And lives under desolate skies,

I must rescue these tears,

And find my way home again.



Wallis May Streete

Mother of three. Freelance writer. Poet. Lyricist. Dreamer. “We are lost souls trying to find the light, and when we do, we dance with shadows.”