Being Plant-Based in a World of Meat Eaters
A humbling experience.
I stopped eating animal products three years ago. My decision came after experiencing health problems due to an autoimmune disease. A friend suggested I try going plant-based for a month to see how I felt, so I gave it a go. Nothing to lose, I thought.
That first thirty days changed my life forever. I had never felt so good in my body. For a start, my skin cleared. Every annoying little pimple went away after two weeks; this was a big thing for me as I had always suffered from adult acne. My body felt lighter and leaner. I could run without suffering excruciating joint pain. It's as though the inflammation in my body went down without effort. I wasn't counting calories but still managed to lose 3 kilos (6.6 pounds ) without restricting myself. I focused on eating whole foods and nothing else. Everything was natural, from the oats to the rice to the beans. All the fibre meant I was going to number two’s every day (TMI). I looked more radiant and began having tons of energy. I would go for long walks and would get half as tired as I used to. My mood improved, and I was sleeping like an angel. I was changing from the inside out, and this was a humbling experience. I became more aware of my environment and the suffering of animals. Even though I was plant-based for health reasons, the most crucial topic in the field was animal welfare. I was beginning to look at the world more compassionately and being aware of universal needs, not just my own. I realised that we are all in this life together and that our well-being depends on everyone. The better you feel, the more you will positively contribute to the world. This philosophy is crucial to both our health and the future of our planet.
Did I miss eating animal products? The honest answer is yes. I did miss my bacon and eggs in the morning. My ham and cheese toasties. My chocolate desserts and whipped cream. Eating out was hard. None of my close friends was plant-based, which made it challenging when going to restaurants as a group, but nothing could beat the way I felt. No amount of animal food could replace feeling vibrant and healthy; this was priceless, especially when approaching my 40’s. Whenever I ate wholesome food, it was like my body smiled at me from the inside. There existed an appreciation and mutual respect between mind and soul. I was nurturing myself, and in return, my body began to take care of itself.
I loved the idea of not counting calories but focusing on nourishment instead. I became informed on nutrient density and understood that a bowl of rice and beans doesn't have the same calorie density as a bowl of french fries. For someone coming from a disordered eating background, this was heaven. I could eat healthy foods in abundance and still maintain my weight. I became leaner than I ever was in my life.
Plant-based products have come a long way in the last ten years; supermarkets are packing their isles with fake meats and delicious vegan treats. There are new products on the market every day, with tons of variety. Demand for healthy food is the highest ever; eating wholesome is now a necessity more than a commodity, especially since the number one cause of death is heart disease.
In the end, what it comes down to is a personal choice. I would never push my ideas onto anyone as I respect freedom and independence. In my own humble opinion, being plant-based changed my life for the better. It was everything I had hoped for and more. It improved my mood and energy. I began to love life again and was able to do things that were difficult before. Food became nourishment, not obsession. It was freedom, and it was an easy price to pay for getting my health back.