Being kind is your ticket to happiness. Here's why.
A friend once told me that every act of kindness leads to a better world. Back then, I took it as a cliche, but as I got older, I realised how much power these words had. Our planet can sometimes be a hostile place, and we can feel lonely and overwhelmed. At times we become isolated from friends and family due to workload or external responsibilities. Loneliness makes us feel down and anxious, creating more unnecessary stress. Life is never easy because when it gives, it also takes something from us. It becomes an infinite equation of highs and lows, which makes us reflect and connect with our deeper emotions, providing a space to grow and become wiser in the face of adversity.
Wisdom invites us to see the world in a different light. It instigates our heart to reach out and provide comfort to others. One of the things I have discovered in my later years is that the kindest people tend to be the ones who have suffered the most. When pain and conflict affect your life, there is always an inner light underneath the turmoil. One that you learn to master in between the rubble of your heart. It is filled with personal hope, strength and determination, guiding you to find a resolution. It is the hardest thing to do but also the most rewarding. Being hurt and going through hardship makes us aware of the pain of others. We experience a connection that makes us more compassionate and empathetic to those around us. Kindness inevitably becomes the foundation of human beauty.
“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees”. — Amelia Earhart.
Kindness is an act of joy because it brings happiness to those that give and receive it. The most beautiful action is one that commands sincerity and loyalty towards another human being. It can be life-changing to someone that needs it and an inspiration to those observing. A simple embrace, a few words of encouragement, a shoulder to cry on, and a moment to listen. A non-judgmental opinion, acceptance of each other's differences and imperfections. Supporting someone else's dream and inspiring others to shine their light. To live and let live as long as we are not hurting others. To show respect and equality, and live by example.
“Constant kindness can accomplish much. As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust, and hostility to evaporate”— Albert Schweitzer.
Every action made with an honest heart can enrich a person's life beyond that brief moment. It can have a tremendous impact and shut down all negativity. Kindness is the new cool because it brings out humanity's best qualities and gives hope for a better world. It lifts the spirit and nurtures the soul, which brings a real sense of unity to everyone involved. Kindness is your ticket to happiness because nothing compares to making someone smile and feeling loved. It is the greatest accomplishment of any human being.